Wednesday, 15 April 2020


Corona virus is a world pandemic which source its root from Wuhan in China. Unfortunately, this virus was out of control and started to spread in December 2019 and globally in 2020. The cause of this virus is still not known yet. As in February, almost all African countries were not exempted from this global pandemic. They have also recorded cases of the virus on the continent due to the movement of individuals from infected countries to another which is globally accepted.
The virus can be transferred from person to person due to body contact, coughs, sneeze of infected person without covering the mouth and nose to prevent spread and also coming into contact with flu that suspense and last for 10minutes. The incubation period of this virus is after 14 days before infected person shows symptoms. Corona virus can lead to respiratory problems, kidney failure and death. Some preventive measures of spreading the virus is use of gloves and nose mask, frequent washing of hand with soap under running water, social distancing, avoidance of hand shake, covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing in bend elbow or tissue as it should be well disposed. The vaccinations for this disease is still at stake as it varies.
As the virus continue to spread, Ghana recorded its first two cases on 12th March, 2020. The case of Corona virus continue to increase every new day. This brought about panic and fear about future outcomes. The government of Ghana quickly call for the shutdown of borders, business, schools and all public place and social centers that calls for Social gathering in order to prevent spread of the virus.
As this was not enough, the virus continue to spread rapidly due to the batch of foreigners and other citizens that troop in the country before borders were closed. Government brought up a new directive of lockdown to prevent movement form one region to another.  All the regions in Ghana now have recorded cases of Corona virus. Most African countries  are lamenting bitterly about the difficulties in surviving during this lockdown and hard times. COULD THIS GLOBAL PANDEMIC LEAD TO UNDERDEVELOPMENT OF AFRICAN STATES????
Covid-19 failed the world


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