Democracy is high misinterpreted in Ghana. The eligibility of members of state to elect their governors is being undermine due to power. The logic behind this is that we wear the garments of democracy but practicing it off the path. Power has corrupted our democratic form of ruling. Where do we classify ourselves? Are we practicing autocracy, tyranny, monarchy or others.
The means of acquiring power to govern in Ghana turns violence a priority. Political parties are now using vigilantes to means causes chaos demanding power. During the 2016 election, it has gashed out publicly that major political parties train vigilantes in groups to destruct voting and the process of the electoral commission to gain advantage over their opponents.
The name "vigilantes" have been changed as "party militias" sounds like professional, qualified and formal trained groups in the country. This groups as widely known in the country by citizens hinders peaceful and fair election. A flashback on the violence that occurred in Ayawaso West Wougon is still fresh on the minds of citizens. The new voters registration that commence on July 30 and ended in August 6 was massively an engagement of violence leading to injury and lost of lives.
Authorities seems to be adamant on any violent act affiliated to politics. Some political actors engage themselves in the act yet are set free. This indicates how vigilantes are preparing to bloodbath during the upcoming elections on December 7. Most citizens will be disenfranchised from voting due to their safety. Spilling of blood to demand power is wrongly in context of democracy. Vigilantes must realize how they have been enslaved by politicians. Causing chaos which may lead to lost of lives will benefit the politician instead. You will be forgotten forever when you die. Remember the sons and daughters of these politicians will never be enslave this way. They are extremely protected and can live this country with their families when there is war. How about me and you? Do not be swayed away by their little "coins". Your life is valuable, your family needs you. We have no where to go when there is war?. This is our homeland. We have equal rights to promote peace and prevent that targeted war. Do not misuse your energy to spill blood for any politician. Embrace peace, protected unity for growth and development.